Sunday, 19 May 2024

Midnight Commander and Fedora 40

I've been trying to get Midnight Commander (mc) to work properly with the CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER key combination in KDE Plasma, and I'm running into a strange issue.

I've tested this on various distributions, including Gentoo and Debian, and it works flawlessly everywhere.

However, on Fedora 40, CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER doesn't seem to function as expected within mc.

Has anyone else encountered this problem with Fedora 40 and Midnight Commander? Any suggestions or workarounds would be greatly appreciated.

Minimal OpenSUSE Tumbleweed Setup

This guide outlines a minimal setup for OpenSUSE Tumbleweed, focusing on essential applications and addressing common issues like H.264 codec support.

Install Core Applications

$ sudo zypper install smplayer git remmina keepassxc cmake-gui

Fix H.264 Codec Support

Add the Packman repository:

$ sudo zypper ar -cfp 90

Update your system, pulling packages from Packman:

$ sudo zypper dup --from packman --allow-vendor-change

Install Transgui

For additional functionality, consider installing Transgui. You can find instructions and builds here:

Remove Unwanted Applications

If you don't need VLC, remove the following packages:

$ sudo zypper remove vlc-noX vlc-qt